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How Does Hair Grafting Work?


Updated: Oct 23, 2022

If you're thinking of getting a hair transplant, you may be wondering how the process works. Hair grafting is a popular technique that can help restore your hairline or cover bald patches. This post will explain how hair grafting works and what to expect from the procedure. Keep reading for more information!

Hair Grafting

Hair grafting is a popular technique used to restore hair growth. The procedure involves removing hair from one area of the head and transplanting it to an area where hair is thinning or balding. Hair grafting can be used to treat both men and women. Hair grafting is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that the person does not have to stay in the hospital overnight. The procedure is relatively simple and typically takes less than two hours to complete. Hair grafting can be an effective way to restore hair growth and improve a person's appearance.

Types of Hair Grafting

Hair transplantation is divided into two categories.

FUT and FUE methods in Turkey

1. Follicular Unit Transplant

Hair follicle unit transplant (FUT) is hair grafting that involves taking hair from a donor area and transplanting it to a bald or thinning area. The donor area can be taken from the back or sides of the scalp, as these areas are typically not affected by hair loss. FUT is typically done with strip harvesting, which involves removing a strip of skin containing hair follicles from the donor area. The strip is then divided into smaller grafts containing one or two hair follicles. These grafts are then transplanted to the bald or thinning area. FUT can provide natural-looking results and is often used to restore hair in people who have experienced severe hair loss.

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery includes the following steps:

  • The surgeon will remove a portion of your scalp skin.

  • The surgeon uses sutures to close the wounds.

  • The expert medical staff will cut the strip into many tiny strips, each of which is examined separately.

  • The surgeon will use a unique blade to create several holes in your scalps and implant the new hair follicles.

  • The surgeon will place the tiny pieces of skin in the holes (this process is known as grafting).

  • Finally, the operating field will be dressed and bandaged.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplantation technique that involves individually extracting follicular units (i.e., groups of 1-4 hairs) from the donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area. FUE is commonly used as an alternative to the more traditional strip method, which involves removing a strip of tissue from the donor area and then dissecting it into individual grafts.

One advantage of FUE over strip is that it results in less scarring since there is no need to make a large incision in the scalp. Additionally, FUE is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time than a strip. However, one downside of FUE is that it is generally more expensive than a strip.

Follicular unit extraction includes the following steps:

  • Shaving off the hair on the backside of the head,

  • Removing the hair grafts one by one without removing skin tissues,

  • Making small holes in the area where the hair will be transplanted,

  • Covering the surgical site with bandages.

Recovery After Hair Grafting

Since the hair transplantation procedure is minimally invasive, the recovery time is short. Your scalp usually heals fully in a few days (around five days).

Your incisions will start to heal during the next few days. After a few days, you may experience mild swelling that subsides on its own.

You should be able to get up and about after 3 or 4 days. You should be able to remove the bandages after the 5th day. On the 6th day, you can wash your hair, but only gently.

After two weeks, the stitches are removed. Some hair shafts may begin to fall, but this is a normal part of the development cycle. By the end of the first month, most of the new hair will have fallen. The new hair will start to appear six months after that. Both will appear identical to each other since they are indistinguishable from one another.

Tips For Better Hair Grafting Recovery

Better outcomes are the goal of successful recovery. There are a few things you should remember when recovering from Hair Transplant surgery, including:

  • After hair transplantation, you should refrain from strenuous activity for roughly two to four weeks. Exercise can promote blood flow to the scalp, resulting in undesirable effects.

  • Following hair transplant surgery, do not wash your head for three days. It's best to wait until the incision has healed before washing your head.

  • When you initially wash your head, use a diluted shampoo and mix it thoroughly with water. It will also assist in preventing direct water streams from the showerhead for the first week.

  • Wear a head covering for the first week after the surgery. If you must, use a loose cap.

  • Avoiding direct sun exposure on your head is recommended.

  • Don't scratch your head, but rather resist the urge to scratch it and try to ignore the irritating sensation.

  • During the first weeks, avoid sleeping on your belly.

  • Refrain from smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages for approximately four weeks.

  • Avoid sexual intercourse for the first week following the surgery. Having sex is the same as strenuous exercise.

  • Develop a healthy eating habit.

Does Hair Grafting Work?

Hair transplantation can increase hair fullness and improve appearance. According to statistics, around 85 to 95 percent of the transplanted hair will grow. These figures indicate that the surgery is quite effective.

Some individuals are concerned that their bodies will reject their transplanted hair. This anxiety is unwarranted since the grafted hair is removed from the patient's body and will not reject.

Is Hair Grafting Painful?

The surgical site will be numb following the transplant, so the patient will not experience discomfort. However, following surgery, the patient may feel moderate discomfort or soreness at the surgery location for a few days. The surgeon may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers to help with this discomfort.

Are Hair Graft Results Permanent?

The effects of the hair transplant procedure are long-lasting. Although the follicles were sourced from elsewhere, the new hair will continue to grow. Hair transplantation does not, however, prevent hair loss or thinning. Many individuals choose to have another hair transplant during the following ten years due to their previous experience with this surgery.

Do I Need More Than One Hair Grafting Procedure?

Although most patients see the intended effects with only one session, many people may elect to have another. Some people do it because they desire thicker hair. Others may repeat the treatment later as a result of progressive hair loss.


If you are considering hair grafting, contact the experts at Luviacure. We can help you understand how this procedure works and what to expect from your treatment. With our years of experience in the field, we will be able to guide you through every step of the process so that you can feel confident in your decision to undergo hair grafting. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation!


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