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What you need to know about rhinoplasty in Turkey?


Updated: Oct 23, 2022

Maybe you've always been unhappy with your nose, or maybe you're experiencing trouble breathing; either way, rhinoplasty, or nose modification, could be a good option for you.

Rhinoplasty can change several aspects of your nose, such as size with the rest of the face, width at the nose bridge, and even profile. Therefore, rhinoplasty is an excellent option for people looking to make minor changes to their nose.

Rhinoplasty also reshapes the nasal tip and improves the appearance of large, wide, or upturned nostrils. From a functional standpoint, rhinoplasty can correct breathing difficulties such as those caused by a deviated septum. In addition, Rhinoplasty is done to correct congenital disabilities and facial injuries that cause a nose's shape to change.

In this blog post, we'll tell you about what you need to know before getting nose surgery.

What is rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure used to reshape the nose. In some cases, rhinoplasty may be referred to as a "nose job." Surgery can be performed to correct a structural deformity (such as a bump or hook), to improve your appearance by making small changes on the nose, or for functional reasons (such as difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum).

The septum is the wall that divides your nostrils. Made of cartilage and bone, it creates two separate chambers within your nose. The best nasal septum is straight, splitting the left and right passageways of the nose into equally sized tracts. A deviated septum occurs when the septic moves away from its original position. In extreme cases, the shift can cause difficulty breathing through the nose.

Are you a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty in Turkey is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. If you have a concern about the appearance of your nose, Luviacure may be an option for you. Rhinoplasty in Turkey is designed to both reshape and correct your nose. Whether the issue is caused by congenital disabilities, injury, or age changes, nose reshaping surgery can help you regain your emotional balance and live with a proportional facial appearance.

Preparing for rhinoplasty in Turkey

You'll likely receive a list of instructions from your surgeon before you undergo rhinoplasty procedure. For the most part, it is essential to avoid eating or drinking after midnight on the day before a scheduled rhinoplasty procedure.

If you smoke, you should cease smoking before your nose job. This means there is a lack of oxygen to support wound healing, resulting in skin death. In addition, patients who undergo rhinoplasty are discouraged from drinking alcohol during the weeks before and after surgery because it can impair the healing process.

Your surgeon may also discuss with you discontinuing certain medications before rhinoplasty surgery. People who take NSAIDs such as ibuprofen risk having more bleeding. Specific vitamins and herbs in your diet, such as vitamin E, ginko biloba, omega-3 fatty acids, and green tea, increase blood clot risks. Discuss with your surgeon about all the medications you are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs alike. Never stop signing any of these medications without first discussing them with your doctor/surgeon.

Some rhinoplasty in Turkey surgeons will prescribe arnica, which is often used to relieve swelling and inflammation post-surgery. Steroids may also be prescribed beforehand to minimize some side effects such as bruising.

Types of rhinoplasty in Turkey

Rhinoplasty is nose-reshaping plastic surgery. The two significant rhinoplasty categories are open and closed, with secondary and filler below those classes.

Open rhinoplasty. To reshape the nose, incisions are made in the skin that separates its nostrils. This area is called the columella. Next, the surgeon will elevate the skin off of these underlying structures so they can see what's inside.

Closed rhinoplasty, or endonasal rhinoplasty, requires only one incision in the nose.

They then separate the skin from the bone and cartilage that makes up the framework of our nose. Once you have undergone surgery, bone and cartilage can be removed for repair or replacement.

Secondary rhinoplasty. This procedure is conducted to correct any problems that arose following previous surgery. Frequently, the problems of a patient undergoing revision Rhinoplasty are minor and easily corrected. However, often the problems are significant, which makes revision rhinoplasty more difficult. Therefore, it is essential to note that revision rhinoplasty can be performed as an open or closed procedure.

Filler rhinoplasty. Injectable fillers can be used to fill depressions, smooth sharp angles, or change the shape of the nose. This technique makes noses appear smaller and more attractive. Instead of having a bump removed, the surgeon would use fillable liquid to even it out. The results of this surgery are temporary, and the nose may require filler injections to remove irregularities. The nose can be improved with injectable filler treatments such as Juvederm, Restylane, or Radiesse to remove any irregularities.

The rhinoplasty procedure

The majority of rhinoplasties are done in an outpatient setting and at a hospital or surgical suite. The time required for a nose surgery depends on the type of procedure performed. A primary nose job in Turkey typically takes an hour, while a revision takes up to three hours. A filler surgery usually only lasts 15 minutes.

Anaesthesia. Your doctor will most likely recommend local anaesthesia and some sedation or general anaesthesia for the first surgery. A secondary rhinoplasty may involve general anaesthesia due to the complexity of the procedure, but a filler rhinoplasty typically only requires local anaesthesia.

The Incision. There are two ways to conduct nose jobs in Turkey, the closed procedure where incisions in made inside the nose, and the open procedure, which has incisions along the columella. The surgeon will then raise the tissues that cover the nose through incisions to help reshape it.

The reshaping. Your surgeon can reduce or augment your nasal structures with cartilage grafted from other areas of your body, such as the septum, ear, or rib cartilage. For example, if the septum deviates, this should straighten it. Additionally, any projections within the nose are going to be reduced and improve breathing.

Closing the incision. After sculpting the structure of the nose, redraping is done to give it skin and tissue. Finally, the incisions are closed with casts or splints applied if necessary.

Recovering from rhinoplasty

After undergoing rhinoplasty surgery, you will likely be eager to see the results. However, wait a few days before examining your nose because holding off for a while allows the tissues to heal and reduces your risk of infection. It can take a whole year for the full effects of rhinoplasty treatments to be seen.

You may not be able to breathe through your nose for the first day due to swelling and nasal packing. As a result, some people may experience discomfort that can be managed with medication. After rhinoplasty, most patients can stop taking pain medication after 48 hours.

In addition, some people may have an upset stomach after the surgery; anti-nausea medication may be helpful.

You may experience minor bleeding during the first few days of your rhinoplasty recovery. Your surgeon may also tell you to apply a cold compress to your nose to reduce swelling and elevate your head for the first 24 hours. It is essential to avoid any trauma to the nose during the first week after surgery. Blowing your nose is not permitted after Rhinoplasty. This can be tough, as you may feel stuffy. Decongestants may help.

On about day seven, the cast or splint is removed. Your nose will still be swollen, but much of the swelling will have decreased after two weeks. At this point, all nasal packing, splints, and other post-surgical dressings should be removed. In addition, a splint may be placed over the outer part of your nose to protect your nose as well as help it hold its new shape during the healing process. The surgeon may also place a softer splint inside your nose to prevent scarring.

By one month after surgery, approximately 85 per cent of the swelling will have gone down. However, the remaining swelling may take up to one year to subside. For this reason, you should wait at least one year before undergoing revision rhinoplasty.


Rhinoplasty in Turkey has been around for centuries, but it's still a popular surgery option today. Whether you want to help your children or yourself with their noses, many reasons may be driving this decision, and the options available can vary widely in price, size of procedure, and recovery time frame. If you have any questions about Rhinoplasty before making an appointment or would like more information on how we can help get your nose looking its best again after years of wear-and-tear from life's daily stresses. Please contact our friendly team at Luviacure plastic surgery UK/plastic surgery Turkey for a free consultation today!

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